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Who We Are

Indian Polar Research Network carries APECS mandate in India by providing guidance to early career researchers, students and anyone interested in polar regions. We also facilitate interdisciplinary networking, provide access to resources and opportunities and create awareness among the general public on polar science and societal impacts of climate change.


​Indian Polar Research Network (IPRN) aims to channelize and enhance the multidisciplinary talents and knowledge of early career polar researchers of Indian origin to create awareness and educate young generation as well as general public towards Polar science as well as build international collaborations with agencies involved with environmental education and outreach to popularize polar science.

IPRN aims to make a concerned effort to educate young generation specially the school children as well as general public towards about polar science activities by its members involved in polar research and activities. The organization also looks for building international collaborations with agencies involved in environmental education and outreach in India as well as from around the world.


IPRN functions as a national committee and follows the guidelines/rules/terms of reference laid down by the APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) community. APECS is an international and interdisciplinary organization with interests in the Polar Regions and the wider cryosphere.

IPRN Structure

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